Faith- Based Workshops
Does this sound like your church? Donuts and coffee on Sundays, pizza and soda for the youth, and potlucks that'll make your heart stop... literally... for any gathered event.
The purpose of the church is to be the Body of Christ, to do the work of God, to spread the good news, to love like Jesus loved. Right?
If majority of the congregation, including the upcoming generation, is living off of foods known to contribute to degenerative diseases, what will the good work of the Lord come to be?
If lives are ending early. If energy levels are low. If we're physically incapable of serving those in need... Are we stewarding our resources well?
This applies to any work environment. The truth is, health is worth investing in.
Robin has interactive and applicable talks on various lifestyle topics that can bring about a transformation in your community.
Contact us to schedule a workshop or seminar at your church!

Church Staff Workshop
Robin holds her M.Div from Azusa Pacific University and is a certified as a Holistic Nutrition Coach by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
Church Staff Workshops are an interactive time exploring the biblical & theological implications for body stewardship and bringing forth the Kingdom of God.
Seminars are usually 2-4 hours. Topics can vary based on the group's demographics and needs. Click the button below to view available topics.